In IllinoisA State Of Civil WarAfter Smith's Death - Rigdon's Last Days After The War Attitude Of The Mormons During The Southern Rebellion Beginning Of Active Hostilities Blood Atonement Brigham Young Brigham Young's Death - His Character Brigham Young's Despotism Colonel Kane's Mission Early Political History Eastern Visitors To Salt Lake City - Unpunished Murderers Even More On The History Of Mormonism Even More On The Religious Puzzle Facility Of Human Belief First Announcement Of The Golden Bible From The Mississippi To The Missouri From The Rockies To Salt Lake Valley Fruitless Negotiations With The Jackson County People Gentile Irruption And Mormon Schism Gifts Of Tongues And Miracles Growth Of The Church History Of Mormonism How Joseph Smith Became A Money-digger In Clay Caldwell And Daviess Counties Introductory Remarks Last Days At Kirtland More On Mormonism Social Puzzle More On The History Of Mormonism More On The Religious Puzzle Mormon Treatment Of Federal Officers Mormonism The Political Puzzle Nauvoo After The Exodus Notes On The History Of Mormonism Organization Of The Church Preparations For The Long March Progress Of The Settlement Public Announcement Of The Doctrine Of Polygamy Radical Dissensions In The Church - Origin Of The Danites - Tithing Renewed Trouble For The Mormons - The Burnings Rivalries Over The Succession Sidney Rigdon Smith A Candidate For President Of The United States Smith's Falling Out With Bennett And Higbee Smith's First Visits To Missouri Founding The City And The Temple Smith's Ohio Business Enterprises Smith's Picture Of Himself As Autocrat Social Aspects Of Polygamy Social Conditions In Nauvoo Some Church-inspired Murders The Building Up Of The City - Foreign Proselyting The Camps On The Missouri The Different Accounts Of The Revelation Of The Bible The Directions To The Saints About Their Zion The Evacuation Of Nauvoo - The Last Mormon War The Everlasting Gospel The Expulsion From Jackson County The Army Of Zion The Expulsion Of The Mormons The Fight Against Polygamy - Statehood The Final Expulsion From The State The First Converts At Kirtland The Following Companies - Last Days On The Missouri The Foreign Immigration To Utah The Founding Of Salt Lake City The Hand-cart Tragedy The Institution Of Polygamy The Last Years Of Brigham Young The Mormon Battalion The Mormon Bible The Mormon Purpose The Mormon War The Mormonism Of To-day The Mormons In Politics - Missouri Requisitions For Smith The Mormons' Beliefs And Doctrines Church Government The Mountain Meadows Massacre The Murder Of The Prophet - His Character The Nauvoo City Government - Temple And Other Buildings The Peace Commission The Pioneer Trip Across The Plains The Political Puzzle The Political Puzzle Continued The Reception Of The Mormons The Reformation The Religious Puzzle The Religious Puzzle Notes The Settlement Of Nauvoo The Smith Family The Social And Society Puzzle The Social Puzzle The Social Puzzle Notes The Spaulding Manuscript The Suppression Of The Expositor The Territorial Government - Judge Brocchus's Experience The Witnesses To The Plates Translation And Publication Of The Bible Uprising Of The Non-mormons Smith's Arrest Wild Vagaries Of The Converts The Story Of The MormonsA State Of Civil WarAfter The War Attitude Of The Mormons During The Southern Rebellion Beginning Of Active Hostilities Blood Atonement Brigham Young's Death - His Character Brigham Young's Despotism Colonel Kane's Mission Early Political History Eastern Visitors To Salt Lake City - Unpunished Murderers Facility Of Human Belief First Announcement Of The Golden Bible From The Mississippi To The Missouri From The Rockies To Salt Lake Valley Fruitless Negotiations With The Jackson County People Gentile Irruption And Mormon Schism Gifts Of Tongues And Miracles Growth Of The Church How Joseph Smith Became A Money-digger In Clay Caldwell And Daviess Counties Last Days At Kirtland Mormon Treatment Of Federal Officers Nauvoo After The Exodus Organization Of The Church Preparations For The Long March Progress Of The Settlement Radical Dissensions In The Church - Origin Of The Danites - Tithing Sidney Rigdon Smith's First Visits To Missouri Founding The City And The Temple Smith's Ohio Business Enterprises Social Aspects Of Polygamy Some Church-inspired Murders The Camps On The Missouri The Different Accounts Of The Revelation Of The Bible The Directions To The Saints About Their Zion The Everlasting Gospel The Expulsion From Jackson County The Army Of Zion The Fight Against Polygamy - Statehood The First Converts At Kirtland The Following Companies - Last Days On The Missouri The Foreign Immigration To Utah The Founding Of Salt Lake City The Hand-cart Tragedy The Last Years Of Brigham Young The Mormon Battalion The Mormon Bible The Mormon Purpose The Mormon War The Mormonism Of To-day The Mormons' Beliefs And Doctrines Church Government The Mountain Meadows Massacre The Peace Commission The Pioneer Trip Across The Plains The Reformation The Smith Family The Spaulding Manuscript The Territorial Government - Judge Brocchus's Experience The Witnesses To The Plates Translation And Publication Of The Bible Wild Vagaries Of The Converts |
The Suppression Of The ExpositorSmith was now to encounter a kind of resistance within the church that he had never met. In all previous apostasies, where members had dared to attack his character or question his authority, they had been summarily silenced, and in most cases driven at once out of the Mormon community. But there were men at Nauvoo above the average of the Mormon convert as regards intelligence and wealth, who refused to follow the prophet in his new doctrine regarding marriage, and whose opposition took the very practical shape of the establishment of a newspaper in the Mormon city to expose him and to defend themselves. In his testimony in the Higbee trial Smith had accused a prominent Mormon, Dr. R. D. Foster, of stealing and of gross insults to women. Dr. Foster, according to current report, had found Smith at his house, and had received from his wife a confession that Smith had been persuading her to become one of his spiritual wives.* * "At the May, 1844, term of the Hancock Circuit Court two indictments were found against Smith by the grand jury--one for adultery and one for perjury. To the surprise of all, on the Monday following, the Prophet appeared in court and demanded that he be tried on the last-named indictment. The prosecutor not being ready, a continuance was entered to the next term."--GREGG, "History of Hancock County," p. 301. Among the leading members of the church at Nauvoo at this time were two brothers, William and Wilson Law. They were Canadians, and had brought considerable property with them, and in the "revelation" of January 19, 1841, William Law was among those who were directed to take stock in Nauvoo House, and was named as one of the First Presidency, and was made registrar of the University. Wilson Law was a regent of the University and a major general of the Legion. General Law had been an especial favorite of Smith. In writing to him while in hiding from the Missouri authorities in 1842, Smith says, "I love that soul that is so nobly established in that clay of yours." * At the conference of April, 1844, Hyrum Smith said: "I wish to speak about Messrs. Law's steam mill. There has been a great deal of bickering about it. The mill has been a great benefit to the city. It has brought in thousands who would not have come here. The Messrs. Law have sunk their capital and done a great deal of good. It is out of character to cast any aspersions on the Messrs. Law." * Millennial Star, Vol. XX, p. 695. Dr. Foster, the Laws, and Counsellor Sylvester Emmons became greatly stirred up about the spiritual wife doctrine, and the effort of Smith and those in his confidence to teach and enforce the doctrine of plural wives; and they finally decided to establish in Nauvoo a newspaper that would openly attack the new order of things. The name chosen for this newspaper was the Expositor, and Emmons was its editor.* Its motto was: "The Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth," and its prospectus announced as its purpose, "Unconditional repeal of the city charter--to correct the abuses of the unit power--to advocate disobedience to political revelations." Only one number of this newspaper was ever issued, but that number was almost directly the cause of the prophet's death. * Emmons went direct to Beardstown, Illinois, after the destruction of the paper, and lived there till the day of his death, a leading citizen. He established the first newspaper published in Beardstown, and was for sixteen years the mayor of the city. The most important feature of the Expositor (which bore date of June 7, 1844) was a "preamble" and resolutions of "seceders from the church at Nauvoo," and affidavits by Mr. and Mrs. William Law and Austin Cowles setting forth that Hyrum Smith had read the "revelation" concerning polygamy to William Law and to the High Council, and that Mrs. Law had read it.* * These were the only affidavits printed in the Expositor. More than one description of the paper has stated that it contained many more. Thus, Appleton's "American Encyclopedia," under "Mormons," says, "In the first number (there was only one) they printed the affidavits of sixteen women to the effect that Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon and others had endeavored to convert them to the spiritual wife doctrine." The "preamble" affirmed the belief of the seceders in the Mormon Bible and the "Book of Doctrine and Covenants," but declared their intention to "explode the vicious principles of Joseph Smith," adding, "We are aware, however, that we are hazarding every earthly blessing, particularly property, and probably life itself, in striking this blow at tyranny and oppression." Many of them, it was explained, had sought a reformation of the church without any public exposure, but they had been spurned, "particularly by Joseph, who would state that, if he had been or was guilty of the charges we would charge him with, he would not make acknowledgment, but would rather be damned, for it would detract from his dignity and would consequently prove the overthrow of the church. We would ask him, on the other hand, if the overthrow of the church were not inevitable; to which he often replied that we would all go to hell together and convert it into a heaven by casting the devil out; and, says he, hell is by no means the place this world of fools supposes it to be, but, on the contrary, it is quite an agreeable place." The "preamble" further set forth the methods employed by Smith to induce women from other countries, who had joined the Mormons in Nauvoo, to become his spiritual wives, reciting the arguments advanced, and thus summing up the general result: "She is thunderstruck, faints, recovers and refuses. The prophet damns her if she rejects. She thinks of the great sacrifice, and of the many thousand miles she has travelled over sea and land that she might save her soul from pending ruin, and replies, 'God's will be done and not mine.' The prophet and his devotees in this way are gratified." Smith's political aspirations were condemned as preposterous, and the false "doctrine of many gods" was called blasphemy. Fifteen resolutions followed. They declared against the evils named, and also condemned the order to the Saints to gather in haste at Nauvoo, explaining that the purpose of this command was to enable the men in control of the church to sell property at exorbitant prices, "and thus the wealth that is brought into the place is swallowed up by the one great throat, from whence there is no return." The seceders asserted that, although they had an intimate acquaintance with the affairs of the church, they did not know of any property belonging to it except the Temple. Finally, as speaking for the true church, they ordered all preachers to cease to teach the doctrine of plural gods, a plurality of wives, sealing, etc., and directed offenders in this respect to report and have their licenses renewed. Another feature of the issue was a column address signed by Francis M. Higbee, advising the citizens of Hancock County not to send Hyrum Smith to the legislature, since to support him was to support Joseph, "a man who contends all governments are to be put down, and one established upon its ruins." The appearance of this sheet created the greatest excitement among the Mormon leaders that they had experienced since leaving Missouri. They recognized in it immediately a mouthpiece of men who were better informed than Bennett, and who were ready to address an audience composed both of their own flock and of their outlying non-Mormon neighbors, whose antipathy to them was already manifesting itself aggressively. To permit the continued publication of this sheet meant one of those surrenders which Smith had never made. The prophet therefore took just such action as would have been expected of him in the circumstances. Calling a meeting of the City Council, he proceeded to put the Expositor and its editors on trial, as if that body was of a judicial instead of a legislative character. The minutes of this trial, which lasted all of Saturday, June 8, and a part of Monday, June l0, 1844, can be found in the Neighbor of June 19, of that year, filling six columns. The prophet-mayor occupied the chair, and the defendants were absent. The testimony introduced aimed at the start to break down the characters of Dr. Foster, Higbee, and the Laws. A mechanic testified that the Laws had bought "bogus"--(counterfeit) dies of him. The prophet told how William Law had "pursued" him to recover $40,000 that Smith owed him. Hyrum Smith alleged that William Law had offered to give a man $500 if he would kill Hyrum, and had confessed adultery to him, making a still more heinous charge against Higbee. Hyrum referred "to the revelation of the High Council of the church, which has caused so much talk about a multiplicity of wives," and declared that it "concerned things which transpired in former days, and had no reference to the present time." Testimony was also given to show that the Laws were not liberal to the poor, and that William's motto with his fellowchurchmen who owed him was, "Punctuality, punctuality."* This was naturally a serious offence in the eyes of the Smiths. * The Expositor contained this advertisement: "The subscribers wish to inform all those who, through sickness or other misfortunes, are much limited is their means of procuring bread for their families, that we have allotted Thursday of every week to grind toll free for them, till grain becomes plentiful after harvest.--W. & W. Law." The prophet declared that the conduct of such men, and of such papers as the Expositor, was calculated to destroy the peace of the city. He unblushingly asserted that what he had preached about marriage only showed the order in ancient days, having nothing to do with the present time. In regard to the alleged revelation about polygamy he explained that, on inquiring of the Lord concerning the Scriptural teaching that "they neither marry nor are given in marriage in heaven," he received a reply to the effect that men in this life must marry in one of eternity, otherwise they must remain as angels, or be single in heaven. Smith then proposed that the Council make some provision for putting down the Expositor, declaring its allegations to be "treasonable against all chartered rights and privileges." He read from the federal and state constitutions to define his idea of the rights of the press, and quoted Blackstone on private wrongs. Hyrum openly advocated smashing the press and pieing the type. One councillor alone raised his voice for moderation, proposing to give the offenders a few days' notice, and to assess a fine of $300 for every libel. W. W. Phelps (who was back in the fold again) held that the city charter gave them power to declare the newspaper a nuisance, and cited the spilling of the tea in Boston harbor as a precedent for an attack on the Expositor office. Finally, on June 10, this resolution was passed unanimously:-- "Resolved by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo that the printing office from whence issues the Nauvoo Expositor is a public nuisance, and also all of said Nauvoo Expositors which may be or exist in said establishment; and the mayor is instructed to cause said printing establishment and papers to be removed without delay, in such manner as he shall direct." Smith, of course, made very prompt use of this authority, issuing the following order to the city marshal:-- "You are hereby commanded to destroy the printing press from whence issues the Nauvoo Expositor, and pi the type of said printing establishment in the street, and burn all the Expositors and libellous hand bills found in said establishment; and if resistance be offered to the execution of this order, by the owners or others, destroy the house; and if any one threatens you or the Mayor or the officers of the city, arrest those who threaten you; and fail not to execute this order without delay, and make due return thereon. "JOSEPH SMITH, Mayor." To meet any armed opposition which might arise, the acting major general of the Legion was thus directed:-- "You are hereby commanded to hold the Nauvoo Legion in readiness forthwith to execute the city ordinances, and especially to remove the printing establishment of the Nauvoo Expositor ; and this you are required to do at sight, under the penalty of the laws, provided the marshal shall require it and need your services." JOSEPH SMITH, "Lieutenant General Nauvoo Legion." The story of the compliance with the mayor's order is thus concisely told in the "marshal's return," "The within-named press and type is destroyed and pied according to order on this loth day of June, 1844, at about eight o'clock P.m." The work was accomplished without any serious opposition. The marshal appeared at the newspaper office, accompanied by an escort from the Legion, and forced his way into the building. The press and type were carried into the street, where the press was broken up with hammers, and all that was combustible was burned. Dr. Foster and the Laws fled at once to Carthage, Illinois, under the belief that their lives were in danger. The story of their flight and of the destruction of their newspaper plant by order of the Nauvoo authorities spread quickly all over the state, and in the neighboring counties the anti-Mormon feeling, that had for some time been growing more intense, was now fanned to fury. This feeling the Mormon leaders seemed determined to increase still further. The owners of the Expositor sued out at Carthage a writ for the removal to that place of Joseph Smith and the Nauvoo counsellors on a charge of a riot in connection with the destruction of their plant. This writ, when presented, was at once set aside by a writ of habeas corpus issued by the Nauvoo Municipal Court, but the case was heard before a Mormon justice of the peace on June 17, and he discharged the accused. As if this was not a sufficient defiance of public opinion, Smith, as mayor, published a "proclamation" in the Neighbor of June 19, reciting the events in connection with the attack on the Expositor, and closing thus: "Our city is infested with a set of blacklegs, counterfeiters and debauchees, and that the proprietors of this press were of that class, the minutes of the Municipal Court fully testify, and in ridding our young and flourishing city of such characters, we are abused by not only villanous demagogues, but by some who, from their station and influence in society, ought rather to raise than depress the standard of human excellence. We have no disturbance or excitement among us, save what is made by the thousand and one idle rumors afloat in the country. Every one is protected in his person and property, and but few cities of a population of twenty thousand people, in the United States, hath less of dissipation or vice of any kind than the city of Nauvoo. "Of the correctness of our conduct in this affair, we appeal to every high court in the state, and to its ordeal we are willing to appear at any time that His Excellency, Governor Ford, shall please to call us before it. I, therefore, in behalf of the Municipal Court of Nauvoo, warn the lawless not to be precipitate in any interference in our affairs, for as sure as there is a God in Israel we shall ride triumphant over all oppression." JOSEPH SMITH, Mayor. Previous: Public Announcement Of The Doctrine Of Polygamy
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